We Protect Our Clients
As experts in debt collection, we’ve learned that the best way to keep unpaid invoices from overwhelming your resources is to choose your investments carefully. Whether you’re bringing in new clients or navigating changes within your business, being prepared for anything that happens is essential to your continued success. If you’re considering a change, let Altus help ease the transition through:
- Credit reports: Is your potential client trustworthy enough to pay their debts as they come? History is the best indicator of that truth, and Altus will research theirs and develop a detailed report including their business credit score and public records. Once you see their spending history, you’ll be able to make a clear decision on their viability as your client.
- Asset and liability reports: Merging and acquisitions are a part of the game, but even if you’re excited about this potential growth opportunity, make sure you’re going into it with all the information. Our research team dedicates weeks at a time to delving into brands and collecting details about their employment records, finances, and more to give you a complete picture of the benefits and risks of working with them.
Debt Collection Resources in Illinois
Find a Collection Agency in Illinois
From comprehensive services to powerful, proprietary technology, everything Altus offers is designed to make your life easier. Let us handle your debt collection in Illinois and beyond so you can focus on expanding your operations. Get started today when you reach out online.